To a burglar, every day or every time that he robs a home is a holiday for him. The holidays are a special festival for him. Many homeowners leave home, and leave tell-tale signs that they are away. These are tips on how to minimize the chances that a burglar will rob your home.
- If you keep the outside festive lights on then ensure that the windows are shut. Electric lights require electricity, the source of which is often inside the home, resulting in the need for wires, through a slightly opened window. If this is the case for your home then call a 24/7 emergency locksmith or serrurier to rectify this.
- Remove all gift packaging and destroy them, preferably by burning or shredding them. If a burglar sees a box for a laptop computer then he will conclude that there is such a valuable item inside the home.
- Do not be too social on social media. Or, at the very least, do not disclose your whereabouts. Once you are back home then it is okay to tell everyone that you went vacationing in Italy or wherever you went.
- Similar to the first tip, it is suggested that you keep the drapes closed. However, this can be a tricky issue. In the normal course of a day, drapes are closed at night, but open during the day. Confer with your serrurier paris 2 to learn what he suggests for your home and what modifications can be done to keep your home safe and secure for the holidays.